Tunnel Vision
This drink was based on a past cocktail that my friend Edder Garcia and I worked on in 2018 at a bar called Sonny’s Hideaway. Together, we came up with the concept of combining carrot and coconut which unmistakably tastes like one of my favorite desserts: carrot cake! For the Tunnel Vision, I took that same concept and applied it towards a take on a piña colada. As the base spirit, Linie Aquavit lends its profile of caraway, anise, and vanilla to match with the earthiness of the carrot, and just a quarter ounce of Reisetbauer Carrot eau de vie can go a long way to ensure the carrot doesn’t get lost in the mix. It wouldn’t feel right to make a piña colada without a little bit of rum, so Probitas blended white rum ensures that it ties back to the classic. Lastly, a touch of acidity from lemon juice is the key to balancing the cocktail’s structure. The drink’s name is a play on how carrots are (supposedly) good for your vision.
Tunnel Vision
1¼ ounces Linie Aquavit
½ ounce Probitas blended white rum
¼ ounce Reisetbauer Carrot eau de vie
1½ ounces fresh carrot juice
¾ ounce Coco Lopez
½ ounce fresh lemon juice
Garnish: 1 mint bouquet
Short shake all of the ingredients with 3 ice cubes, then strain into a tulip glass and fill with crushed ice. Garnish with the mint bouquet and a straw.
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